Survivor's Hope Crisis Centre

Help Save SARAH - Raffle!

Win: 50% of the $0.00 pot

Sales end in a month.

Support the SARAH Counselling Program - and have fun doing it!   

This life-changing program walks alongside survivors of sexualized violence to heal from harms, providing compassionate care and highly-experienced knowledge specific to sexual assault, abuse, harassment, exploitation, and trafficking in rural Manitoba.  By purchasing a raffle ticket, you help this program move forward, while SARAH Counsellors help survivors move forward - PLUS one lucky person will win big - it's win win! 

20th Anniversary 50/50 Raffle

Win: 50% of the $5,859.00 pot

Sales ended 9 months ago.

As a registered non-profit, we rely entirely on funding and donations to allow us to continue our programming to benefit survivors of sexualized violence through crisis support, long-term free counselling, education and prevention work with youth, and community outreach, workshops, and events.

By purchasing a raffle ticket, not only do you get the chance to win 50% of the grand prize pool, but your contribution is guaranteed to benefit the people we work with and further our reach and resources.  

The more tickets you obtain, the higher your chances of winning and the greater impact you have on the community.  

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Sales Ended

20th Anniversary 50/50 RaffleMonday, August 14th 2023 at 4:45 PM