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We are pleased to introduce the Spring 50/50 Raffle. Tickets are on sale with the final draw for 50% of the pot on May 15th, 2021. 100% of the net proceeds are to be invested into the infrastructure of the park. By supporting the Spring 50/50 you could win and the park will continue to provide opportunities for our young campers. Ukrainian Park Campground is a facility owned and operated by the Ukrainian Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Manitoba. It endeavours to facilitate a culturally appropriate, aesthetically and ecologically sound environment for recreational and educational activities for the benefits of the community and with special emphasis on youth, enabling users of the Park to contribute to its development. It's a camp for children and youth, nurturing the growth in Christian virtues and values. We invite you to share this site/raffle with others so we can all enjoy Ukrainian Park together.
Ukrainian Park Campground located on the west shore of Lake Winnipeg, just 9.5 km north of Gimli.