United Way Winnipeg

Service Canada 50/50 Raffle

Pot Size


Winner gets half

Winners have been published!

Click the button below to see all published winners!

In Support of ESDC Charitable Campaign 

When you support United Way Winnipeg, you’re helping to build a better and stronger Winnipeg by making the work of 100 agencies and programs possible. You’re connecting kids with mentors and after-school programs. You’re giving youth mental health supports. And, thanks to you, families living in poverty can receive valuable job skills training and access financial literacy programs and tax clinics.

Ticket sales will take place between October 12 to 21, 2021, and the draw will be aired on W-T ESDC Charitable Campaign/W-T Campagne de charité EDSC MS Teams Channel on October 22, 2021 at 2PM CST.

Please Note: This raffle is only open to Employees of  Service Canada/ Employment Social Development Canada

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